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Debilitating mindsets

Updated: Feb 26


  • a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how you will interpret and respond to situations.


  • making someone very weak and infirm.

"A debilitating mindset is any idea I have about myself that places limitations on my ability to succeed"

Debilitating mindsets are the mental dispositions that we perceive and respond to situations that we encounter that limit us from living our full potential and obtaining success. This includes thoughts like, “This is too hard”, “I can’t do it”, “I’m not smart enough”; and other negative thoughts that prevent you from thinking and looking for ways to “make it happen”.

Unfortunately, many of the debilitating mindsets that we have adopted and operate from are the result of the influence of the barrage of voices that bombard our minds. The voice of parents, family members, teachers, social media, and the many other voices that underestimate the potential power that you possess.

Even more sad is that many of us have fallen victim to the reinforcing voice of experience. Experience you say? Yes, experience can be the greatest teacher but also the greatest liar. We’ve tried, we put in the work and we failed, not just once for some of us, but multiple times. So, inadvertently the “voice of experience” has told us that we can’t, that it’s too hard for us, that we ain’t smart enough, strong enough, or know enough to be successful.

What we fail to realize is that the road to success is paved with failure sometimes. Edison failed over a thousand times before he was successful at creating a working lightbulb. The Wright Brothers had many failed attempts at flight before succeeding. We can’t let even failure keep us from the success we’ve envisioned.

We so easily concede to the many voices telling us that we can’t succeed when in reality, “if there’s a will there’s a way”. No!! Really!!! If you have the willpower to push past the many voices trying to convince us that we can’t succeed at what we envisioned and set out to accomplish, we will find out that we really can. That the goals, plans, and vision that we set out to manifest are obtainable. That goal came to your mind for a reason- TO MANIFEST IT and be brought into reality. If the plan ain’t working -tweak it!! Revamp it!! Do what it takes to get it done. Whatever you do, don’t give up. Don’t abandon the mission, it’s not a mission impossible -it’s a mission possible.

It may mean that you need to learn more, get more training, and become more proficient in some areas. You may need to practice and put in the time, effort, and energy to grow your skills. Get some coaching or find a mentor, and get some advice from someone that is successful doing what you are trying to succeed at it that’s possible. Do research, and work on your personal development; you will be amazed at the results personal development can render in many areas of our lives. As we develop our personal life skills; things like emotional health, discipline, and budgeting, to name a few, we will see the benefit in all areas of our life.

Many times the debilitating mindset is a result of our underdeveloped skills, knowledge, and lack of experience. Fear-of-failure is one of the biggest debilitating mindsets that often keep success at bay. Don’t let fear-of-failure bully you and crush your dreams, blur your vision, and rob you of your success. I mean, just think about it, if you never get started or even make an attempt, you will never succeed. So, why ever would we listen to the voice of the fear of failure?

Lastly, your voice is often the loudest or I should say “it should be”. However, this can be problematic if we are prone to negative self-talk. You know what I’m talking about, you know when you think silently and even speak out loud against your success or your ability to “make it happen”. WATCH THE WAY YOU SPEAK TO YOURSELF!!! When you speak ill of your success or ability over and over again, you impress what you speak upon your psyche. It gets downloaded into your subconscious and now your subconscious is running programming of failure instead of success. The software that you downloaded is telling your mind not to find solutions to facilitate your success. Negative self-talk, reinforce debilitating mindsets in a very powerful way.

Recognizing debilitating mindsets

The trouble with debilitating mindsets is that oftentimes, we are unwittingly operating from one. Debilitating mindsets develop over time, the more we are exposed to the voices that these debilitating mindsets are constructed from unchecked and unchallenged, they slip under the threshold of awareness (subliminal), permeating the firewall of our mind and entering our subconsciousness. Once the virus is uploaded into your subconscious, it runs covertly in the background, like a double agent sabotaging your success from the inside. It starts sending false data of self-doubt and insecurity; false limitation of your ability and potential. That’s why recognizing or identifying debilitating mindsets is so key to dismantling them. You can’t fix a problem you don’t know you have. Right?

One of the ways we expose the viral thought that creates and reinforces debilitating mindsets is by becoming more aware of the mindsets from which flow our actions. Be present, in the moment, and be attentive to your behavior and the mindsets influencing your attitude and actions. Are the mindsets you flowing and functioning from motivated by your goal, and vision, or from fear, self-doubt, and insecurities?

As you observe your behavior and the mindset behind them, they will tell on themselves. They will not be able to hide; this simple adjustment, this simple discipline will shine a light on the debilitating mindsets covertly operating in our minds. Exposing or identifying debilitating mindsets is one thing, but what do we do with it-them once they are exposed?

Dealing with Debilitating mindsets

So, you’ve been diligent in observing your behavior and the mindsets; checking their sources and whether that source speaks in favor of your success or your demise. I’m doing so, you expose some viral debilitating mindsets. Now what do you do?

Once the debilitating mindset is exposed, there’s a decision that needs to be made. “Am I gonna accept these mindsets and allow them to continue to destroy my dreams, blurring my vision, and robbing me of success or do I dismantle them.”

Choosing to dismantle them, means you’re committing to being diligent to be observant of your behavior, the mindsets behind your behavior, and the source it comes from. What are we looking for exactly?

You wanna run the spyware or your mind searching for data (mindsets) to evaluate whether they speak of your success or demise.

Mindsets that speak of your success are success-fulfilling-mindsets. These are the ones you want you put on repeat in your mind. Turn them into affirmations and speak them over your life.

Mindsets that speak negatively of your success, ability, or potential are viral debilitating mindsets that must be dismantled if you want to break the glass ceiling and invisible walls and manifest the success you always knew you were capable of.

Dismantling these mindsets means we are gonna make sure that we are only entertaining thoughts that speak positively of your success, potential, and ability to render the success you envisioned. We are committed to shutting down and confronting any attempts by others, family, friends, or anyone who underestimates your ability to manifest the success you envision.

You also want to broadcast your success frequency which will attract solutions and success. Speak your truth, the truth about you, and your ability to turn your dreams into reality. Some people are going to be bothered about your optimism. Some might even say “You are crazy out of your mind”. The ironic thing is that we don’t have to search far or long to find someone who can testify that before they became successful people thought they were “crazy out of their minds”. Some will say you are arrogant (don’t be arrogant) cocky or annoying, but don’t let anything or anyone shut you up.

This is where positive self-talk comes in. You know; “you got this”, “you’re rock”, “keep trying”, and “Don’t give up”. When we practice positive self-talk it, reinforces a success-fulfilling mindset, programming the mind to see solutions when and where problems show their face. It causes the mind to actively receive answers to what used to puzzle you and trip you up.

Affirmations are a great way to tune your success frequency and cultivate a success-fulfilling mindset. Think about your goals and write a positive statement concerning your goals, plans, vision, dreams, and or success. Write statements about how you are going to execute your goals, this will strengthen your resolve and make you more disciplined in your execution.

Now, I want to give you this quick affirmation disclaimer; they are not magic words that we just say like a spell and it happens. The words that we speak in an affirmation must be rooted in belief, a belief that what we are speaking is true, possible, and truly achievable. It won’t matter how prolific or awe-inspiring they may be, you you do believe it, you will not achieve it.

Read my bio if you like to see how I unearthed potential from my lift to experience success and fulfillment in life.

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