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Updated: Feb 22

Something you might not know about identity 

Identity is our most precious, priced, and powerful possession. Precious, because of its rarity; the "thing" about you that makes you interesting, that thing that makes you valued, because it is uncommon or so unlike anything else. Your identity is the very one thing that distinguishes you from anything or anyone else in the world, what you do with this rare jewel is completely up to you. You are so unique, so uncommon, so rare, that there is absolutely no other person on earth that will have the same fingerprint, ear print, DNA, or retinal structure as you. You are the only one who will ever exist. What's even more exciting to know, is that there is a vast treasure buried deep down on the inside of us. This treasure is so vast that once found, you will never need anything else; it's your identity; more properly put, an "Awakened Identity". This awakening starts to happen when we protect our most precious possessions by breaking free from the imposed, limited identities of societal norms, and the "cage of the opinion and ideas of others". We must be vigilant in safeguarding our most precious possessions from outside influences that are not in tune with "the frequency of the true self"; people, programs, systems, including religion. 

Prized because it was the first prize you ever obtained, and if valued, protected, and nurtured, it's the same prize that will birth out the prize of your success in life. Even if you never see or realize it, people will use, abuse, and even exploit your prize to their own benefit because they see the value you don't see, if we fail to first realize it for ourselves and protect it. Identity theft is a 50 billion dollar business; that's how valuable your identity is and more; and although we are not talking about that aspect of your identity, that aspect of your identity is interwoven with the other and is a manifestation of that prized possession. 

Your identity is your most powerful possession as it relates to your success, you fulfilling your purpose and realizing true fulfillment in life. So, we must protect it and cultivate this amazing prize, the rare jewel that we are, harness its power, and set it free to manifest your goals, your vision, and your purpose. No amount of money, no amount of possessions, no amount of status or popularity has the power to give your life meaning, purpose, or fulfillment; that power can only be found in your identity. Your identity has the power to unlock your innate greatest and unlimited potential. It’s the very same power that destroys the perceived limitations that have separated you from success, breaks your glass ceiling, and allows you to go higher and further than you’ve ever imagined.

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3 commentaires

Wilbelis Rojas
Wilbelis Rojas
29 août 2022

I Absolutely LOVE how informative this is!

Anthony Morris
Anthony Morris
02 sept. 2022
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